It seems like the biggest health complaint from my friends and family is stomach pain. Digestive disorders are becoming more and more common among our society. I strongly believe stomach issues are being caused by increased amount of GMO's and synthetic ingredients added to our foods.  When stomach pains hit people reach for over the counter medications such as  TUMS, Imodium, Gas-X and Pepto Bismol. Why put these chemicals in our bodies when we can ease pain with earths herbal medicine.  The following herbs are great alternatives to medicine. 

Ginger: Ginger works best at alleviating nausea and vomiting.  It is very easy to get your hands on you can buy ginger root at all supermarkets in ground form, tea bags, candied or by the root. Ginger could act as a blood thinner so talk to your doctor before using regularly. 

Fennel: Fennel is classified as a Carminative herb. Carminative herbs aid digestion and reduce gas. Fennel works as an anti-spasmotic which will help will stomach cramps and slows down intestinal motility. To make fennel tea crush 2 tsp of fennel seeds with a mortar and pestle then place in steeper. Steep for 10 minutes in boiling water then remove and sip. If this is too time consuming you can buy fennel tea already bagged.
* Fennel Tea can actually reduce appetite when consumed before a meal ;)

Peppermint: Mint is helpful for all kinds of upset stomachs. Mint creates a mucous in the body which acts as a coating to the esophagus and stomach. Do not get confused chewing mint gum will not get the job done because the sugar alcohols in the gum actually create gas, bloating and more stomach pain. 

Chamomile: Chamomile is a very calming herb. It can be used to settle a nervous stomach and a nervous mind. Chamomile is most conveniently drank as a tea. Many different tea companies carry this herb but my favorite is Traditional Medicinals Organic Chamomile Tea. Not only is this tea beneficial for your belly it doubles as the perfect sleepy time tea at the end of a stressful day.

Slippery Elm: Slippery Elm is dried bark from a small tree.  Slippery elm aids in digestion, prevents wasting and helps keep food down. Slippery elm creates mucous in the the intestines which helps to soothe ulcers and calm inflammation. Slippery elm can be prepared by adding water to the powdered form of this herb. 

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    Favorite Nutrition Quote

     " The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition"- Thomas Edison


    January 2014