Unfortunately, I have been stuck in the house for the past few days because of this horrible snow storm. I am extremely tempted to shove my face and binge eat everything in sight. Instead of reaching for empty calories and junk food I decided to research binge eating and the root cause. I found some awesome tips, I hope you find them helpful next time your fiending for endless amounts of junk.

Start the morning with a protein, loaded meal. Some great choices are eggs, protein shakes and almond butter on whole-wheat toast or bagel thin.  By having a large amount of protein for breakfast you will stay satisfied throughout the day. The protein will actually help to stabilize your blood sugar and prevent it from getting to low and causing you to binge.

Supplement with L-Glutamine and 5-HTP to prevent your body from strong cravings. L-Glutamine is one of my go to supplements. Cinnamon is a great herb for stabilizing blood sugar, sprinkle this herb freely throughout the day.

Sugar is a drug. Sugar can be just as addicting as alcohol and narcotics, often people who abused drugs or alcohol turn to sugar, which is just as addictive. Think about it were you ever able to eat just one bowl of Frosted Flakes or have just one bite of a chocolate chip cookie? After your first bite you always are coming back for “just one more bite”. Next time your eating something high in sugar consider your eating habits.

Consider drinking a large glass of water when you feel a binge coming on. Hunger is often confused with thirst. If you still feel the need to eat after reach for something high in protein. Some quick healthy options are: apple or celery with nut butter, handful of nuts, protein shake, raw veggies with hummus or a Think Thin Bar.

Figuring out what your cravings mean. Often cravings are your body trying to send you a message that it is deficient in a vitamin or nutrient.  I love the chart below by livelovefruit.com, which helps to depict what your cravings really mean.



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     " The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition"- Thomas Edison


    January 2014